الاثنين، 2 يوليو 2012

New dark blue eye makeup for the eyes steps Temptress

New dark blue eye makeup for the eyes steps Temptress

To view a different and unusual, but fascinating and attractive eyes .. We offer you the steps dark blue eye makeup ..
1 - Put a layer of the eye on the Sky-blue upper eyelids ..

2 - Put a layer of the eye color indigo blue on the upper eyelids ..
But stay away from the internal angle of eye, and draw a very external eye angle ..

3 - Put a little white of the eye at an angle of internal eye ..
4 - Put a little of the eye black eye on the corner of State, and Loney, under Hajpk white glossy ..
5 - draw a line of kohl black shale adjacent to the lashes on the upper eyelids,
You can replace Balaaliner brilliant ..

6 - draw a line of white eyeliner inside and under the lower eyelids and how much of the outside ..
7 - Draw a line of black eye shadow so that it is Moizila and adjacent to the white eyeliner ..

8 - Put two layers of Almscara the lashes top and bottom ..
After you've completed these steps you'll get easy eye makeup for dark blue eyes charming .. Try and tell us how your eyes beauty makeup Alekhala ..

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