Since I am eccentric girl and adore strange things have you publish Multi about Lycans disease or Albrooverria and now the role of another disease, a vampire or Kuhtania
That most of the films were tales and legends certainly was based on the reality has already won this same thing on which the vampire legend
Scientific studies have proven that this strange disease is very rare I The Neil Oostroal was published claimed that the myth of the "vampires" in fact due to a medical basis.
The study says the writer Bram Stoker's vampire describes the "Don Dracula" in his novel "Dracula" as he had eyebrows Glezin of very ... And thick hair in various places of the body ... It has teeth whiter than white, prominent and clear, "and all these - as the study says - symptoms of a rare genetic disease named Kuhtania the Tarada (ct).
Since the infected look other similar symptoms dramatically descriptions fired by Dracula stories book on vampires, such as:
1 - loses infected skin color and show it blisters when exposed to light. It is known that vampires do not appear in the light of the sun.
2 - infected patients with gum disease ct lead to the emergence of teeth dramatically - one of the recipes in the vampire mythology.
3 - chemicals found in garlic exacerbate these symptoms dramatically for the worse. Garlic is cm used in mythology to kill vampires.
4 - the disease leads to a frequent lack of red blood cells in the patient, and the patient needs a blood transfusion at a time where his condition worsens, and vampires - of course in mythology - drink the blood of their victims!
He says the world of plant genes Crispin Taylor in an article published in the journal (plant cells): "These symptoms ... compatible with properties vampires recipes ... It is believed that folk tales about the existence of such monsters may in fact be telling the story of poor people living with HIV "Kuhtania".
It may be the fear of these myths not only controls the minds of the ignorant and cowardly, but the truth is sometimes more frightening than fiction
He has some important physicians such as Avicenna some studies about the disease, called Moon's disease
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I've found two small children in Algeria have a Moon disease threatens their lives if exposed to sunlight, which making them قابعين the dark since they were born, as is the case with vampires.
Supported the families of the children Alaa's neighbors and Hadia, a Mazolan understanding of the social environment, and was prevented from study after doctors were unable to diagnose the disease, which often ends with death with meager chances of cure
If you like this report on the disease Moon