Oily skin:
Oily skin usually need to:
First: Frequent cleaning:
You need frequent cleaning to get rid of excess fat which are deposited Bmsam skin and تسدها, because the dust and dirt on it and this is something that is abusive to view the skin, and gives an opportunity for injury germs that are attracted to these fat deposits, and thus increase the chance of infection بالدمامل and grains.
On this oily skin must be washed three times a day using soap and water.
to the fact that the pores of the skin - especially if they are wide -
are places where they are deposited excess fat it is useful to permit
the use of holding such material pores (Asringent) the even reduce this
Article chance of skin fat accumulation.
The simplest images of these materials is lemon juice, but not use it routinely from time to time work for face rinse with a solution of lemon juice.
Second: Do not eat contraband:
As for the quality of food, it was found that some species help to increase the skin secretion of fat, and so should reduce them, and these foods:
1 - spicy cuisine (acclaimed).
2 - Spices
3 - Spices
4 - very hot drinks.
Third: Facial Massage:
The massage or (massage) of the skin is one of the ways care simple and important skin, oily skin in particular benefit from massage, as the massage or massage works to rid the pores of fat and dust settled, ie it serves as a deep cleaning of the skin, plus it stimulates circulation , and this is something that improves skin tone and gives it freshness and vitality more Doctors skin and experience Bnsahon بغسول new Netzogina especially Roses Balkreb missed and green mint leaves facial p 3 minutes, wash and consequences splendor of cereals and oily skin
Fourth: the steam bath for the face:
This is also a means of fatty private skin care, where he works this bath to soften the sediment in Bmsam skin, and thus helps them salvation, which is an effective treatment for blackheads problem that oily skin is exposed to infection.
2 - Dry Skin:
It is the same almost oily skin condition, we advise بالإقلال the exposure to soap that compounded drier, it is sufficient washing the face once or at most twice a day, taking care to choose a suitable soap to reduce the likelihood of skin dryness.
The best species for this purpose are containing olive oil or glycerin.
It also must avoid the use of hot water in washing the face because it also increases the chance of drought, Felictkhaddm of cold or lukewarm water.
In severe droughts, completely dispensed soap, but not facial cleaning preparations so special, and that the best milk or lotions containing milk.
Dry skin and need more work than others (masks) on a regular basis to lubricate the skin and gained flexibility and vitality, but not at the rate of once a week at least.
In clear and droughts, which sometimes causes harassment can simply overcome that paint the face with a thin layer of olive oil or glycerin each evening or after bathing.
To overcome the smell of glycerol and relieve his wife can add a little rose water to glycerol.
You must also take into account a sufficient intake of water a day, and not to be subjected to long periods of dry air, whether cold or warm.
3 - dry and oily skin:
This type of skin needs to be a combination of care products for oily skin and dry skin together, and this care products:
1 - When cleaning, the focus is on more fatty areas of the dry areas.
2 - When the use of moisturisers, the focus is on the more arid areas of the fatty acids.
3 - Holding materials are used for oily areas only.
4 - normal skin:
And be taken care of by this skin by not over-exposed to the soap by washing in excess of the necessary so as not to become dehydrated.
It is enough washed once in the morning and again in the evening using soap or lotion especially good cleaning.
Also, care must be taken of the use of any chemicals through industrial preparations so as not to infect these beautiful skin damage.
To protect the skin using these steps:
First: nourish the skin:
For the beauty of your skin does not have to take care of Bgmaik, Feltjali much of it from plant foods, such as fruits, fresh vegetables and grains.
Besides eating meat, milk and milk products, and to reduce the intake of fat, especially if you suffer from the problem of grain face or oily skin.
Most of these fruits and vegetables and grains are the main sources of Vthiaminat needed by the skin.
Vitamin (a):
This vitamin is available at (apricots, spinach, carrots, leafy vegetables, cod liver oil).
Vitamin (b 2):
It is available in (grain that did not take away the peel especially wheat, yeast, milk and milk products, meat).
Vitamin (b 6):
And is available in (bananas, cereal that did not take away the peel, legumes, eggs, nuts, yeast, most green leafy vegetables, niacin).
Vitamin (h):
This vitamin is found in the (grain that did not take away the peel, hazelnuts, almonds, vegetable oil).
This type is available in (grain that did not take away the peel, in the liver, meat, yeast).
Acid Albantothink:
There is this kind of citrus (liver, eggs, cereals).
(How you have used skin care products):First: the masks:
The mask is an individual on different parts of the facial skin thin with the exception of the area around the eyes and mouth, because some preparations may be severe impact on them, but if allowed to do so based on the instructions for use of masks.
You must also take into account the face before cleaning the mask work, and should preferably be warm skin until it settles the mask, so preferably a steam bath for the face mask before.
For dry or sensitive skin, it must not be lengthened the term of the mask, it is sufficient to remain on the face for 10 minutes.
For oily skin, it can be lengthened for that period shall be (15 - 20) minutes at least.
It also takes into account before making the mask roll back hair, and isolating it from the face, and it helps to wear a headscarf.
Second: facial massage:
Nanah Taatdlak use some skin lotions and most important of detergents, where massage in this case is of great importance in a good, deep cleaning of the skin, which will save of the cavernous sediments.
And massage in general - whether oils or creams - bring many benefits skin, it stimulates circulation by making the skin takes enough food and oxygen, it also strengthens the muscles of the face and it removes stress and contractions.
To be properly massage, you must use your fingertips with a commitment to a small circular motion with light pressure on the skin and push the skin up.
And that the direction of the upper neck massage to the top of the face to cover all over the face with a focus on areas where they show defects such as wrinkles.
When you massage the neck shall put the left hand on the right hand under the chin level so that the fingers massage clade opposite her.
When you massage the cheeks always preferred using two fingers الأوسطين with payment of the skin in consecutive movements in the direction from the bottom to the top.
Steam bath for the face:
Shall exposing the face of water vapor rising from the boiling pot with towel wrapped around the head to increase the concentration of steam on the facial skin.
(Vegetables and fruits more than the beauty)
The islands of the oldest vegetables known to man, and I accept to be addressed after realizing what her great health benefits.
It is noteworthy that the Greeks and Romans were the first to have told about the benefits of the islands, came in their writings since about 230 BC.
The islands of the basic cosmetic means, since it is one of the richest flora vitamin (a) of this vitamin is essential for the health and safety of the skin, so it enters in many lotions natural skin care as will be seen.
As the beauty experts that eating fresh carrot juice regularly has a clear impact as an antidote to spots and skin impurities, and works as well as to improve skin color and serenity in general.
Not only the benefits of the islands on the skin only, it is useful as well as food for healthy hair and eyes they need the necessary vitamin (a).
Choice of vegetables cheap available in our hands, which is characterized by the benefits of a healthy and aesthetic many may overlook them, Vllkhiar clear impact astringent for pores wide, so it enters the work of many masks, plus it fits perfectly women with sensitive skin in particular.
And choice as well as a clear effect in whitening the skin, get rid of dark circles under the eyes may appear, and get rid of the stains and impurities that may affect the face.
In the summer periods, cucumber juice Lye is used to treat sunburn and moisturize the skin.
To لخس famous historical significance, the ancient Egyptians praised its benefits as a useful food for sexual ability, so named it (plant fertility), as it was the main food of the Greeks.
It is likely to have originated lettuce grown for the first time in one of the ancient Greek islands.
And enters the lettuce in the preparation of many cosmetics which is characterized with moisturizer for the skin effect and thus useful in the work of the insulating layer shields the skin from the sun's heat and wind effect.
Given the richness of many vitamins and its attributes affecting cleaned it enters in the preparation of many of the nutrients the skin and facial cleansers.
The impact of potato in the demise of the swelling that appears under the eyes, and the use of force in the form of segments fresh used Kkmadat to the eye.
The potato is one of the best cleansers and moisturizers for women with sensitive skin, but that its impact in the treatment of skin allergies paint position infected potato juice or compresses the job of segments.
As this same method is used for the treatment of sunburn.
For the treatment of sunburns experienced by women at the resort, whether in the face or shoulders are advised to make compresses of strawberry juice (a type of berry) it may effect a strong moisturizing skin, and treatment Altzlkhat and burns.
And for those who suffer from zero أسنانهن the Nnsahhen constantly eating strawberry juice is the best thing about whitening teeth and Ijmlha.
As strawberries interference in the work of many masks due to the effect of the pores of the skin clutch that fits especially women with oily skin, as well as to effect a cleaner and Kmgz good for the skin.
Known in the past as tomatoes: (love apple).
It is noteworthy that it is known in Europe as a wholesome food since the sixteenth century and spread in the first place in Italy.
If a woman is The breadth pores بجلدها the notes in the face or other areas which Asaye to view the skin, it is best that can be relied upon to narrow down these pores is used in the form of tomato juice or slices.
One of the unique characteristics of tomatoes in the field of cosmetic skin they fit very oily skin, as well as a severe drought, and are therefore often used in the work of the masks.
Drenched uses parsley Lye excellent for dark hair rinse, and as an antidote to peel, hair drenched, parsley is also used to clean oily skin or accompanied by the appearance of acne, as it has been instrumental in ridding the pores of excess fat and dirt deposits.
It is also drenched parsley from the best possible use Lye or كغرغرة of the mouth or a few sticks of chewing parsley to overcome unpleasant odors and Repellents for some food (such as garlic).
The Mint knew for the first time among the ancient Egyptians, as was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and olive oil was used in body paint, and add to the water pools, as it is used as aromatic.
Mint and health benefits and numerous aesthetic, It is used Kmenqua the (tea) to treat colon disturbances, and as a soothing drink.
This is also used soaked (cold) wash and moisturizer for the skin, also has the effect of stain resistant and grains face.
Mint is also used in bathrooms work as refreshing and overview material for the skin.
Peppermint oil is considered one of the most important essential oils used in manufacturing soap and odors.
Lemon juice is used in a variety of purposes, it is used as an astringent pores and so is especially useful with oily skin, where exposed to the deposition of excess fat and stick to of fouling Bmsam the skin.
For this purpose, use a thin layer of juice in the face paint, then rinse with lukewarm water after it is completely dry, and repeat this paint.
Lemon juice is also used as an antidote to facial freckles or spots where helps to hide, and is also used to remove yellowish teeth, Bdekha the juice on a frequent basis.
Hibiscus or (hibiscus) the effect of the strong disinfectant for the skin, and therefore used to spray hibiscus as a treatment for ulcers or infections Alsididah.
Hibiscus is also used in the work of some hair dyes.
It is one of the richest fruits in vitamin (a) and this makes it one of the best food for the health of the skin, as well as hair and eyes.
Resistive features Bmfol as wrinkles and contractions and therefore enters the masks work.
Apricot juice is also used to paint hands, Vicsabhma softness and vitality.
The apple is one of the oldest cosmetic means since many of the bacteria can not survive in the presence of apple juice, so it is often used in the work of cleaners skin, and in solutions hair rinse, and the work of masks also features apple cider vinegar health benefits and aesthetic numerous.
Orange enters the work of many, especially in cosmetics Hand care creams, masks, as well as in shampoos.
One of the simplest ways to take advantage of Orange, is to exploit the cortex removed from the fruit in the hands scrubs, where succulents existing working بالقشر on lubricate the skin of the hands and the demise of roughness and cracks.
Oily skin usually need to:
First: Frequent cleaning:
You need frequent cleaning to get rid of excess fat which are deposited Bmsam skin and تسدها, because the dust and dirt on it and this is something that is abusive to view the skin, and gives an opportunity for injury germs that are attracted to these fat deposits, and thus increase the chance of infection بالدمامل and grains.
On this oily skin must be washed three times a day using soap and water.
The simplest images of these materials is lemon juice, but not use it routinely from time to time work for face rinse with a solution of lemon juice.
Second: Do not eat contraband:
As for the quality of food, it was found that some species help to increase the skin secretion of fat, and so should reduce them, and these foods:
1 - spicy cuisine (acclaimed).
2 - Spices
3 - Spices
4 - very hot drinks.
Third: Facial Massage:
The massage or (massage) of the skin is one of the ways care simple and important skin, oily skin in particular benefit from massage, as the massage or massage works to rid the pores of fat and dust settled, ie it serves as a deep cleaning of the skin, plus it stimulates circulation , and this is something that improves skin tone and gives it freshness and vitality more Doctors skin and experience Bnsahon بغسول new Netzogina especially Roses Balkreb missed and green mint leaves facial p 3 minutes, wash and consequences splendor of cereals and oily skin
Fourth: the steam bath for the face:
This is also a means of fatty private skin care, where he works this bath to soften the sediment in Bmsam skin, and thus helps them salvation, which is an effective treatment for blackheads problem that oily skin is exposed to infection.
2 - Dry Skin:
It is the same almost oily skin condition, we advise بالإقلال the exposure to soap that compounded drier, it is sufficient washing the face once or at most twice a day, taking care to choose a suitable soap to reduce the likelihood of skin dryness.
The best species for this purpose are containing olive oil or glycerin.
It also must avoid the use of hot water in washing the face because it also increases the chance of drought, Felictkhaddm of cold or lukewarm water.
In severe droughts, completely dispensed soap, but not facial cleaning preparations so special, and that the best milk or lotions containing milk.
Dry skin and need more work than others (masks) on a regular basis to lubricate the skin and gained flexibility and vitality, but not at the rate of once a week at least.
In clear and droughts, which sometimes causes harassment can simply overcome that paint the face with a thin layer of olive oil or glycerin each evening or after bathing.
To overcome the smell of glycerol and relieve his wife can add a little rose water to glycerol.
You must also take into account a sufficient intake of water a day, and not to be subjected to long periods of dry air, whether cold or warm.
3 - dry and oily skin:
This type of skin needs to be a combination of care products for oily skin and dry skin together, and this care products:
1 - When cleaning, the focus is on more fatty areas of the dry areas.
2 - When the use of moisturisers, the focus is on the more arid areas of the fatty acids.
3 - Holding materials are used for oily areas only.
4 - normal skin:
And be taken care of by this skin by not over-exposed to the soap by washing in excess of the necessary so as not to become dehydrated.
It is enough washed once in the morning and again in the evening using soap or lotion especially good cleaning.
Also, care must be taken of the use of any chemicals through industrial preparations so as not to infect these beautiful skin damage.
To protect the skin using these steps:
First: nourish the skin:
For the beauty of your skin does not have to take care of Bgmaik, Feltjali much of it from plant foods, such as fruits, fresh vegetables and grains.
Besides eating meat, milk and milk products, and to reduce the intake of fat, especially if you suffer from the problem of grain face or oily skin.
Most of these fruits and vegetables and grains are the main sources of Vthiaminat needed by the skin.
Vitamin (a):
This vitamin is available at (apricots, spinach, carrots, leafy vegetables, cod liver oil).
Vitamin (b 2):
It is available in (grain that did not take away the peel especially wheat, yeast, milk and milk products, meat).
Vitamin (b 6):
And is available in (bananas, cereal that did not take away the peel, legumes, eggs, nuts, yeast, most green leafy vegetables, niacin).
Vitamin (h):
This vitamin is found in the (grain that did not take away the peel, hazelnuts, almonds, vegetable oil).
This type is available in (grain that did not take away the peel, in the liver, meat, yeast).
Acid Albantothink:
There is this kind of citrus (liver, eggs, cereals).
(How you have used skin care products):First: the masks:
The mask is an individual on different parts of the facial skin thin with the exception of the area around the eyes and mouth, because some preparations may be severe impact on them, but if allowed to do so based on the instructions for use of masks.
You must also take into account the face before cleaning the mask work, and should preferably be warm skin until it settles the mask, so preferably a steam bath for the face mask before.
For dry or sensitive skin, it must not be lengthened the term of the mask, it is sufficient to remain on the face for 10 minutes.
For oily skin, it can be lengthened for that period shall be (15 - 20) minutes at least.
It also takes into account before making the mask roll back hair, and isolating it from the face, and it helps to wear a headscarf.
Second: facial massage:
Nanah Taatdlak use some skin lotions and most important of detergents, where massage in this case is of great importance in a good, deep cleaning of the skin, which will save of the cavernous sediments.
And massage in general - whether oils or creams - bring many benefits skin, it stimulates circulation by making the skin takes enough food and oxygen, it also strengthens the muscles of the face and it removes stress and contractions.
To be properly massage, you must use your fingertips with a commitment to a small circular motion with light pressure on the skin and push the skin up.
And that the direction of the upper neck massage to the top of the face to cover all over the face with a focus on areas where they show defects such as wrinkles.
When you massage the neck shall put the left hand on the right hand under the chin level so that the fingers massage clade opposite her.
When you massage the cheeks always preferred using two fingers الأوسطين with payment of the skin in consecutive movements in the direction from the bottom to the top.
Steam bath for the face:
Shall exposing the face of water vapor rising from the boiling pot with towel wrapped around the head to increase the concentration of steam on the facial skin.
(Vegetables and fruits more than the beauty)
The islands of the oldest vegetables known to man, and I accept to be addressed after realizing what her great health benefits.
It is noteworthy that the Greeks and Romans were the first to have told about the benefits of the islands, came in their writings since about 230 BC.
The islands of the basic cosmetic means, since it is one of the richest flora vitamin (a) of this vitamin is essential for the health and safety of the skin, so it enters in many lotions natural skin care as will be seen.
As the beauty experts that eating fresh carrot juice regularly has a clear impact as an antidote to spots and skin impurities, and works as well as to improve skin color and serenity in general.
Not only the benefits of the islands on the skin only, it is useful as well as food for healthy hair and eyes they need the necessary vitamin (a).
Choice of vegetables cheap available in our hands, which is characterized by the benefits of a healthy and aesthetic many may overlook them, Vllkhiar clear impact astringent for pores wide, so it enters the work of many masks, plus it fits perfectly women with sensitive skin in particular.
And choice as well as a clear effect in whitening the skin, get rid of dark circles under the eyes may appear, and get rid of the stains and impurities that may affect the face.
In the summer periods, cucumber juice Lye is used to treat sunburn and moisturize the skin.
To لخس famous historical significance, the ancient Egyptians praised its benefits as a useful food for sexual ability, so named it (plant fertility), as it was the main food of the Greeks.
It is likely to have originated lettuce grown for the first time in one of the ancient Greek islands.
And enters the lettuce in the preparation of many cosmetics which is characterized with moisturizer for the skin effect and thus useful in the work of the insulating layer shields the skin from the sun's heat and wind effect.
Given the richness of many vitamins and its attributes affecting cleaned it enters in the preparation of many of the nutrients the skin and facial cleansers.
The impact of potato in the demise of the swelling that appears under the eyes, and the use of force in the form of segments fresh used Kkmadat to the eye.
The potato is one of the best cleansers and moisturizers for women with sensitive skin, but that its impact in the treatment of skin allergies paint position infected potato juice or compresses the job of segments.
As this same method is used for the treatment of sunburn.
For the treatment of sunburns experienced by women at the resort, whether in the face or shoulders are advised to make compresses of strawberry juice (a type of berry) it may effect a strong moisturizing skin, and treatment Altzlkhat and burns.
And for those who suffer from zero أسنانهن the Nnsahhen constantly eating strawberry juice is the best thing about whitening teeth and Ijmlha.
As strawberries interference in the work of many masks due to the effect of the pores of the skin clutch that fits especially women with oily skin, as well as to effect a cleaner and Kmgz good for the skin.
Known in the past as tomatoes: (love apple).
It is noteworthy that it is known in Europe as a wholesome food since the sixteenth century and spread in the first place in Italy.
If a woman is The breadth pores بجلدها the notes in the face or other areas which Asaye to view the skin, it is best that can be relied upon to narrow down these pores is used in the form of tomato juice or slices.
One of the unique characteristics of tomatoes in the field of cosmetic skin they fit very oily skin, as well as a severe drought, and are therefore often used in the work of the masks.
Drenched uses parsley Lye excellent for dark hair rinse, and as an antidote to peel, hair drenched, parsley is also used to clean oily skin or accompanied by the appearance of acne, as it has been instrumental in ridding the pores of excess fat and dirt deposits.
It is also drenched parsley from the best possible use Lye or كغرغرة of the mouth or a few sticks of chewing parsley to overcome unpleasant odors and Repellents for some food (such as garlic).
The Mint knew for the first time among the ancient Egyptians, as was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and olive oil was used in body paint, and add to the water pools, as it is used as aromatic.
Mint and health benefits and numerous aesthetic, It is used Kmenqua the (tea) to treat colon disturbances, and as a soothing drink.
This is also used soaked (cold) wash and moisturizer for the skin, also has the effect of stain resistant and grains face.
Mint is also used in bathrooms work as refreshing and overview material for the skin.
Peppermint oil is considered one of the most important essential oils used in manufacturing soap and odors.
Lemon juice is used in a variety of purposes, it is used as an astringent pores and so is especially useful with oily skin, where exposed to the deposition of excess fat and stick to of fouling Bmsam the skin.
For this purpose, use a thin layer of juice in the face paint, then rinse with lukewarm water after it is completely dry, and repeat this paint.
Lemon juice is also used as an antidote to facial freckles or spots where helps to hide, and is also used to remove yellowish teeth, Bdekha the juice on a frequent basis.
Hibiscus or (hibiscus) the effect of the strong disinfectant for the skin, and therefore used to spray hibiscus as a treatment for ulcers or infections Alsididah.
Hibiscus is also used in the work of some hair dyes.
It is one of the richest fruits in vitamin (a) and this makes it one of the best food for the health of the skin, as well as hair and eyes.
Resistive features Bmfol as wrinkles and contractions and therefore enters the masks work.
Apricot juice is also used to paint hands, Vicsabhma softness and vitality.
The apple is one of the oldest cosmetic means since many of the bacteria can not survive in the presence of apple juice, so it is often used in the work of cleaners skin, and in solutions hair rinse, and the work of masks also features apple cider vinegar health benefits and aesthetic numerous.
Orange enters the work of many, especially in cosmetics Hand care creams, masks, as well as in shampoos.
One of the simplest ways to take advantage of Orange, is to exploit the cortex removed from the fruit in the hands scrubs, where succulents existing working بالقشر on lubricate the skin of the hands and the demise of roughness and cracks.