السبت، 23 يونيو 2012

Learn about the best times of exposure to the sun

Want to go to sea, but you are afraid of the risks caused by the sun Do not know what is the appropriate times of exposure to it?
"My family" alert you to these times, but you can exposure to radiation during these times if you put enough protection for a period of very limited.
Preferred exposure to the sun before ten o'clock in the morning and after four o'clock and have exposure to the sun between the hours of a serious ten o'clock before noon and four in the afternoon.
You can in these times should concern yourself with food, drink and read and use the Internet and listen to music and play with the kids and you exposure to the sun for a very limited time with the necessary precautions of creams and drinking water.
Madam, you must know that the damage caused by sun damage to skin occurs it may turn out to be cancer of the skin in the advanced stages, and in the initial stages may appear in the form of burns or tumors in the skin, which may be a key factor for skin cancer in the future.

I hope for all of the dangers of sun safety

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